How Long Do I Have To Respond After Being Served With A Foreclosure Summons?

When a
foreclosure summons and complaint are received, it is important to act quickly; these are legal documents and should not be ignored. Typically, the law will provide 30 days to file an appearance and then an answer in the case. These deadlines are important because if they are not met, a homeowner can be held in technical default and a judgment of foreclosure may be entered against the property and homeowner. There are many options an experienced attorney can utilize to defend foreclosure cases and engage in loss mitigation so that a property may be saved from foreclosure.

For more information regarding your options, an initial consultation is your best next step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (312) 600-8815 today.

Is Bankruptcy An Effective Foreclosure Defense?

There are two types of bankruptcies that a homeowner may consider filing if facing foreclosure; Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Both are options that can be evaluated, but should generally be used as a last resort.

Chapter 7 is typically not effective in most foreclosure cases, as it seeks to discharge the homeowner of liability under the mortgage loan but may still end in foreclosure of the property.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is more complicated, but may be a more viable option in defending against foreclosure. In this type of bankruptcy, a payment plan would be proposed for a repayment schedule that would need to be accepted by all lenders. These plans typically span between 3 and 5 years, where the borrower would be making payments towards the past due amount on the mortgage, as well as the payments going forward as they become due. In general, this creates a larger payment due than the initial mortgage terms and for this reason is often unaffordable for homeowners.

For more information regarding your options, an initial consultation is your best next step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (312) 600-8815 today.

I Am Headed For Foreclosure, Should I Try To Work With The Bank Before Spending Money On Hiring An Attorney?

If a homeowner is late on mortgage payments and the lender still has not filed a foreclosure lawsuit, it’s always a good idea to communicate with the lender and to try to solve the problem first, on your own, before getting an attorney involved. However, the reality is that sometimes lenders are not incentivized to work with their own borrowers, and representation by an attorney can usually level the playing field and give the homeowner more negotiating power. A good attorney can bring a level of a technical expertise and experience to the situation. It is a good idea to consult with counsel on the different options available for saving a home from foreclosure.

For more information regarding your options, an initial consultation is your best next step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (312) 600-8815 today.

How Can A Foreclosure Defense Lawyer Help Me?

A foreclosure defense attorney can help a homeowner prevent foreclosure in several ways, such as through loan modifications, forbearance plans, repayment plans, and reduced payoffs. When a homeowner falls behind on a mortgage loan, and they have received a summons and a complaint, they may conclude that there is no way to catch up with past due amounts, but that is rarely the case. Homeowners have many more options than they are typically aware of, and it is through representation by an experienced foreclosure defense attorney that a homeowner can be informed of the different ways that they can get out of foreclosure. There are several loss mitigation options that can help the homeowner save the home or, with assistance of good counsel, implement an effective exist strategy.

For more information regarding your options, an initial consultation is your best next step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (312) 600-8815 today.

How Do I Apply For A Loan Modification? Do I Need An Attorney?

Applying for a loan modification typically entails an application being submitted to the mortgage lender with a series of supporting documents. The loan modification process was designed so that a homeowner could be able to go through the process on his or her own, but oftentimes lenders make the process very difficult and extremely inefficient. For example, it is very common for the lender to ask for the same set of documents to be submitted multiple times, even after the homeowner has initially submitted the documents. Sometimes when an attorney gets involved in the loan modification process, the lender is more responsive, and the process can progress more efficiently.

In addition to assisting in the initial application process, a lender may deny the first loan modification application, but that is not a reason to give up. The Law Center attorneys have seen the process often take multiple submissions to the lender before a modification is offered, and having diligent counsel can make a big difference on the outcome of the loan modification process.

For more information regarding your options, a
free initial consultation is your best next step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (312) 600-8815 today.

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